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We are building a friendly community!

We are creating a www portal about life in russia.
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We focus on the following principles and rules.

The first phase of web portal development is critical to its success. We understand that developing a successful web portal requires careful planning and execution. Right now you are on a framework (temporary) site. Although we are just getting started, we have certain rules that we follow.

Our mission at the moment: to reveal the positive possibilities of matrix socio-economic relations, i.e. the positive spiral of human development.

Above all, we are confident that we will succeed in realizing what we have set out to do. Each of us acts as quickly as possible to create a modern platform and a new level of socio-economic network.

Our guiding principle is humanism. This includes socio-economic humanism, i.e., the progressive development of each participant's economic resources.

In short, we support all the global legislation that is moving in this direction. And we will base our decisions with your participation in the project on this.

Context for improving RUSSIA.LIFE:
- Health and holism (subjects of the economy, society, information network, etc.)
- Materialism and respect for cultural traditions
- Democratic centralism in administration

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